Club dei Giovani

The Archi di Claudio Golf Club has always placed the development of youth activity at the first place, paying the maximum attention to all boys and girls who approach golf.

The Youth Club, active since 2004, is now represented by more than 100 students who are trained weekly in courses organized by age and level of play. 

The training sessions include two annual cycles, one in autumn(October-January) and one in spring (March-June) and are aimed at all children aged between 5 and 16 years old. 

The main objective is to train players who over time are ready to be part of the competitive team and can compete in the various regional competitions held by the Italian Golf Federation.

The golfers who, thanks to a constant and profitable partecipation in the federal competition, obtain the brevet, the first recognition given by the Federation to the Juniores golfers who regularly play in the competitive tournaments, enter in the Competitive Team. The players included in the Competitive Team follow a program of individual lessons agreed with the relevant coach which includes at least 1 hour of training per week. The golfer’s goal is to constantly improve their game in order to partecipate at the national championships

All the boys ready to partecipate in the competitive tournaments in the federal calendar are included in this team which has the main purpose of preparing the golfers for tournaments. This course is held on Saturday mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 with a training divided between technique and bodyweight athletic preparation, aimed at improving the swing. On-site lessons are also scheduled during the spring session. The final goal for the players belonging to this team is to obtain the federal brevet and advance to the competitive team

For those golfers who have assimiliated the basic technical notions and are ready to play at the pitch&putt course. During the course, training on the driving range is alternated with game sessions on the pitch&putt course. Some meetings on rules and etiquette are also scheduled to learn the basics of behaviour on the course. Lessons are held on Saturdays in groups of up to 6 golfers staggered between 2:00 pm and 3:30 pm

Course dedicated to beginners from 5 years old. In this course the basics of swing are assimiliated. The lessons, lasting one hour, are held on Sunday mornings between 9:30 and 11:30 depending on the group. Groups are divided by age and level of play. For the youngest golfers a S.N.A.G kit is available for their first experience of the real grass.



BASIC LEVEL COURSES: 180€, , 10€ discount per persone for two or more siblings enrolled in the Youth Club

The fee includes:

Practice balls for the lesson, equipment, logoed polo shirt supplied. The courses are reserved for FIG members at the club (FIG Junior card:20€, FIG Junior card for neophytes: 10€).

Under 18s registered with the Club can also attend outside lesson hours